In today’s episode we will be chatting all about the journey of transformation, how to come into your own true nature and begin taking the first steps toward a new you.

In today’s episode we will be chatting all about the journey of transformation, how to come into your own true nature and begin taking the first steps toward a new you.
Have you ever wondered what your life purpose is? Have you ever questioned – Why am I here? What is it I am meant to be doing with my life? How may I serve? Then you should be able to resonate with the frustration of not being able to figure that out, too!?
Sleep is an incredibly important part of our immune system, management of stress, and daily functioning. Without a good night sleep everything can seem so challenging. It is during sleep hours that our body detoxifies, replenishes itself and heals. If we don’t allow the body some down time we begin to feel dis-eased, suffering higher levels of cortisol in the body which lead us to feeling more stress and anxiety, along with raised blood pressure among others ailments.