
Guided Sleep Meditation

Welcome to my Wellness Business ‘Centrepoint Horizon’ – Your journey starts here!

Sleep is an incredibly important part of our immune system, management of stress, and daily functioning. Without a good night sleep everything can seem so challenging. It is during sleep hours that our body detoxifies, replenishes itself and heals. If we don’t allow the body some down time we begin to feel dis-eased, suffering higher levels of cortisol in the body which lead us to feeling more stress and anxiety, along with raised blood pressure among others ailments.

It is during sleep that we return to our ‘Centrepoint Horizon’, the unconscious states of awareness, where we come home to ourselves, living in dream states, releasing old fears and attachments. It is where we do much of our healing and where much work can be done.

The average person needs between 7-8 hours of sleep per night, and whether you feel you can survive on less or you need more, these 7-8 hours is when our body needs time out to reset itself.

Did you know in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) every hour of the clock corresponds to a body organ? The next time you find yourself waking up at the same time every night, take a look at which organ corresponds to that time… perhaps your body is trying to tell you something?

Some examples;

1-3am is the Liver, the seat of anger in the body – The Liver purifies the blood and removes toxins. Have you ever heard somebody say ‘that just boils my blood’, referring to anger ‘that situation is so toxic’?? Are you holding on to grudges, feeling angry with others or yourself, perhaps a situation is making you angry or you feel frustrated. Perhaps you are in a toxic relationship. Do not resist or become frustrated if waking up at this time. Resistance and frustration simply make it harder to return to sleep, and add fuel to the fire so to speak. Meditate on these feelings, holding them in your present awareness, taking long slow deep breathes in, becoming aware of the emotions and holding space for them with love, compassion and kindness…. then breathe out, releasing the emotion and letting go on each out breathe. Feeling the body become more relaxed. Repeat this, and soon you will relax back into sleep.

3-5am is the Lungs, the seat of grief, loss or emotional pain – We store many memories here. Are you grieving a loss, feeling sadness over a loved one, relationship, or feeling a loss of sorts over something in your own life? Deep breathing, slowly in and out, rhythmic and slow, filling the lungs in a calm relaxed manor, will help. Relaxation and releasing these emotions, sometimes even having a good cry, can be what your body calls for. Be kind, compassionate and loving with yourself.

5-7am is the Large Intestine, where we release and let go of all our toxins, including toxic emotions, fears, and memories – Have you been feeling constipated, have you had issues with your bowels, are you having trouble letting go of emotions, guilt, fears or feeling stuck? It is natural for many of us to wake at this time and go back to sleep for a lie in, when possible. However, the body requires you to release and let go of all the toxins it has cleaned in your body throughout the night. Therefore, it is between these times in the morning when we should not hold back from getting out of bed to evacuate our bowels. Practicing self awareness, being more present in the moment and aware of our thoughts and emotions may help in releasing negativity, fear, and toxicity in our lives.

I hope you enjoy this meditation and I’d love to hear your comments on sleep.

Sweet Dreams XX

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