nds, labels, toys etc. How do you ‘monitor’ what they see, eat, drink, play with, etc. but when they go to school they make new friends? What are the challenges when your parenting style clashes or conflicts with anothers?

nds, labels, toys etc. How do you ‘monitor’ what they see, eat, drink, play with, etc. but when they go to school they make new friends? What are the challenges when your parenting style clashes or conflicts with anothers?
EFT, also known as Emotional Freedom Technique or Tapping, is an incredible tool which essentially tackles any emotional blockages, dis-ease or dis-harmony, in the body, mind and soul. Tamara also works with ‘Family Constellations’, which she explains has helped her to understand occurrences in her own life, which would have been ordinarily unexplainable.